Business Terms & Conditions - Updated May 2020
Consumer Transactions:
Nothing herein contained is intended to affect, nor will it affect a customer's statutory rights under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 or any amendment thereof.
The parts and labour itemised on the invoice, are guaranteed free from defect for (unless otherwise stated), 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the date of invoice, with the exclusion of damage arising from customer / third party interference, routine wear and tear, negligence abuse and accidental damage.
In the event of a potential claim, you should notify us immediately whereupon the defect will be assessed and repaired free of charge providing the exclusions do not apply. Your statutory rights are not affected.
An estimate given for the repair shall be provisional and may be subject to variations in the price of parts or materials between the date of estimate and the date of repair. It will also depend on further work or parts which are found to be necessary – subject to the conditions/stripping of the vehicle which is required. A charge may be made for an estimate if investigations are required.
Refusal of work
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. reserves the right to refuse to carry out any work on the vehicle which in our opinion, we consider to be unroadworthy, or work which would make the vehicle unsafe.
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. may refuse to carry out work which might have a detrimental effect on other parts of the vehicle.
Release of vehicle
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. will only release the vehicle to the customer after repairs are completed, unless it is requested by the customer to release the vehicle to a nominated customer's agent.
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. has the right to hold a vehicle after completion of its repairs until such time as the account is paid in full, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed.
Uncollected Goods
If after work has been carried out, a vehicle is left at Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. for more than 7 days, without prior content, storage charges may be applied at £25 + VAT per day.
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. may exercise his rights as regards to uncollected goods under the Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 and if the goods are not collected when the work is completed, or before any notice to that effect expires, the repairer may proceed to sell the goods subject to any notice under the Act.
In this event the vehicle will be sold at best market price and after deduction of the cost of the repair plus other charges and expenses in connection with the sale, the balance will be returned.
The customer agrees that it may be necessary for Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. to sub-contract all or part of the work to other competent repairers.
Autotest (West Ewell) Ltd. will do our utmost to complete the repair by the date and time requested but cannot accept any responsibility for delay resulting from the non or late availability of spares or other reasons beyond our control.
a) The repairer will take reasonable care of the vehicle while in his custody. This duty does not extend to items of personal property or business goods left in the vehicle. Customers should therefore ensure that all valuable items of personal property or business goods are removed from the vehicle prior to commencement of repairs.
No liability can be accepted for any loss, damage subsequential or consequential loss or damage to any of such personal property or business goods left in the vehicle.
b) Where by agreement with, or on the instructions of the customer, the vehicle is left outside the repairer's premises, before or after normal business hours, on the unfenced part of the said premises, any risk or loss or damage howsoever occasioned will be the customer's responsibility.
Ownership of Goods
The goods shall remain the property of the seller until such time as the purchase price in full is received by the seller, and any cheques have been cleared.
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